A novella in the Onyx Black series

Sprocket's Scrap - Text

Plot Synopsis

Lutece Nehalem, the first and last human of the superluminal era, is confronted with her own mortality. Her psychotherapist Dr. Glenn helps her reconcile these difficult new feelings.


Lutece "Sprocket" Nehalem

Made as part of Tula Nehalem's diploma research, Lutece Nehalem is the first human to be reconstructed from the backup data found in the Lutece Archive left over by the last Martian humans.

Physical description

Lutece is a fourteen-year-old human who is massively augmented in order to combat her severe deficiencies. Her left arm is replaced with a modular arm that takes bayonet-style attachments. This sort of augmentation is forbidden by law in most worlds' jurisdictions, so for most of her life, Lutece grew up sheltered in the comfort of her "mother"'s living container.


Lutece is 140 cm (4'7") and has shoulder long brown hair she keeps in a ponytail, as it gets in the way in zero and low-g. The only clothes she owns are hand-me-downs from institute members or her mother. As such, she usually wears oversized t-shirts and long yoga pants. Her right eye and face plate is replaced with a titanium assembly that includes an oscilloscope display and an array of visual sensors, including a LiDAR assembly and an infrared camera. Her arm is a regular issue artifical left arm with a bayonet mount, letting her connect all sorts of different attachments.


Lutece is a generally pessimistic person. Her life has so far only been one of disappointment and pain, so she is generally opposed to the idea of optimism. She is a very cynical and sarcastic person, sometimes even to the point of straight up doomsday depression. That being said, she still tries to find joy in the things she loves doing, which include repairing technology and scavenging for parts.

Dr. Glenn

Wandering therapist Dr. Glenn is a grounder from Navareo V who runs a psychotherapy practice from his starship. He usually travels alone and is therefore accessible to almost anyone - as long as they have an appointment.

Physical description

Dr. Glenn is a Navarean in his late fourties. As a grounder, he's of average height and build. His hair is short and black, a rarity for Navareans.